Norfolk ShopMobility
ShopMobility UK is a nationwide network of centres which hires out mobility equipment to the public, with the aim of supporting people with restricted mobility to enjoy outdoor independence.
The equipment available mainly consists of manual wheelchairs, powerchairs and mobility scooters. These hire services are either low cost or occasionally free and are available to people of any age who are currently struggling to access shops or leisure activities due to general frailty, reduced mobility or short-term injury/illness. (For example, lower limb injury.)
Kings Lynn ShopMobility (West Norfolk)
St James Car Park, Clough Lane, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1BT
Telephone: 01553 770310
Kings Lynn ShopMobility loans mobility scooters and both manual and electric wheelchairs. They are open between the hours of 9.00am – 4.00pm, Monday to Friday. The annual membership is £60 and free use of equipment or a £20 membership fee and additional £3 per usage. Non-members can also hire on a daily or weekly basis. Pre-book by calling the centre.
Norwich ShopMobility
Chantry Place, Chantry Place Shopping Centre, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 3SH.
Telephone: 01603 365100
Norwich ShopMobility loans mobility scooters and both manual and electric wheelchairs for free, for up to a day. You can turn up with ID and register as a member. You can pre-book to guarantee availability. They are open between the hours of 9.00am – 4.00pm, Tuesday to Friday.
Lowestoft ShopMobility
15 Station Square, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 1BA.
Telephone: 01502 588857
Lowestoft ShopMobility loans mobility scooters, both manual and electric wheelchairs, tri-walkers, rollators and walking frames. You can register to be a full member for regular hire of equipment or a temporary member for casual hire.
They are open between the hours of 9.30am – 15:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Any advice or information given by the Hubs Mobility Advice Service is impartial and correct at the time it is provided. However, as operators may change their services or equipment prior to your journey or booking, you are strongly advised to check any details directly with them shortly before you expect to travel.
Contact your local Hub
Get in touch with the East Anglia Hub for personal mobility advice and accessible travel information. Your Hub can help with local, national and international accessible travel advice.